Meeting of the Interministerial Group on UK-EU Relations


14 July 2022


Vaughan Gething MS, Minister for Economy


I represented the Welsh Government at a virtual meeting of Interministerial Group (IMG) on UK-EU relations on 4 July. The meeting was attended by the Rt Hon. Michael Ellis QC MP, Paymaster General and Minister for the Cabinet Office, and Neil Gray MSP, the Scottish Government’s Minister for Culture, Europe and International Development. A senior official attended from the Northern Ireland Executive as an observer.


The agenda had items on progress and priorities relating to the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) and the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill. Retained EU law was also discussed briefly.


In my response to the update on the TCA I stated the importance of our continued participation in EU Programmes including Horizon Europe and, on electricity trading, I raised the matter of long-term security and the scope for trade with Ireland. I also discussed the growth of FinTech in Wales. I expressed the importance of returning to the negotiating table to resolve issues.


In relation to the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill, I raised the matter of the lack of engagement with the Devolved Governments before introduction and also areas of concern.


The date for the next meeting of the IMG was not confirmed, but all parties agreed the need to meet after the summer.